...because loyalty is everything!

create an account
To get started, join our rewards program in-store or online. Be sure to sign-in with each purchase.

order and pay
Order your CB favorites and use cash, credit, or debit card.

drink to rewards
Each total purchase earns 10 points. Earn 100 points, get a FREE crafted drink on your next visit!*
We got answers! You can ask your barista anytime or send us an email at hello@coffeeandbarkmi.com.
Earning Rewards
Redeeming Rewards
Terms of Use
Rewards are earned with each total purchase visit at 10 point increments. All items purchased with cash, credit card/debit card are eligible for rewards excluding rental space.
To earn rewards, you must sign into your account at time of order. If you're a new rewards member joining online, be sure to login/sign-in, select "my account," and click on "sign up." Rewards cannot be credited after transaction has completed.
*Rewards can be redeemed at 100 points for a free crafted drink, up to a $5 value. Any cost difference will be due at time of purchase.
Rewards cannot be redeemed on items such as bottled drinks, food, dog treats, retail items, and rental space.
Coffee & Bark reserves the right to change, modify, and cancel CB Rewards in whole or in part, at any time and in its sole discretion without notice. Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately. There is no monetary value in CB rewards. Any lost of rewards due to changes or cancellation of rewards program will not be credited.
Joining CB Rewards, you will be required to provide information such as first and last name, email address, and phone number. By providing your information, you agree to receive communication and marketing promotions from Coffee & Bark through email, phone, or text.